Wednesday, July 26

Bring the heat

We're now up to one full week of serious (for Seattle) heat, and I love it. Granted, a month of this would drive me nuts. But several days of unbroken 90° highs is just what the doctor ordered.

For one thing, the lawn has stopped growing. Hah! Your evil reign of smug verdurousness is over! Ding dong the grass is brown!

Also, the cats have melted. They now exist as flat pools of fur about an inch deep and three feet across, legs splayed out like amoebic pseudopods. This development brings with it a certain tranquility to the household, although it can be annoying to have to scrape molten cat from your shoes when you misstep.

Mainly, though, I love the euphoria that accompanies this kind of heat. It slows you down and encourages frequent siestas. It's not too hot to laze about outdoors, maybe take the dog around the block once or twice, but heavy lifting is inadvisable.

Tequila in the afternoons, watermelon in the evenings. My kind of summer.


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