Friday, May 12

Look what Brown did for me

Yikes! That is some serious BROWN, man.

Yeah. Well. I was getting tired of the “Dark Blue Dots” template (beautiful though it was), and since this blog's six months old now, and I've got all this time on my hands, I figured I'd try and thematize things a bit.

Bourbon and film are the themes I was shooting for. Say, a whiskey bar located off the lobby of a lavish Manhattan movie theater. Mahogany, red velvet, and cigar smoke. If I could've pulled in a third theme, it would've been baseball, so let's just say Mickey Mantle is downing quarts of Jim Beam in a corner booth of this particular lounge. At the bar, Bogart is introducing Sinatra to the Boilermaker. Forbidden Planet just replaced The Searchers as the feature; High Society premieres in a couple weeks.

OK, I'm overthematizing. Anyway, brown. I'm not done messing around with the font colors; expect those to change daily. And don't be surprised if everything changes back to blue next week.

Incidentally, the new blogger-profile image is lifted from Atomic Cocktails, source of my favorite imbibable, which of course is called the Urban Bourbon:

2 oz. bourbon
½ oz. Tuaca
Shake & serve up with a lemon twist.

I'm having one. Are you?


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