Thursday, May 25

Oh boy, here it comes

I can feel it now, it's coming for sure. Like gathering storm clouds or a massive sneeze building up...

The Big Binge cometh.

In the 2½ weeks since my jobectomy, I've been keeping myself considerably busy and productive — yardwork and housework, writing and editing, and lots of exercise for me and the dog. But I knew, I knew all along that the time would come when I would cast all that aside and go see my dealer.

Maybe it's the rain we're enjoying this week, or maybe reading the SIFF schedule got my juices flowing, or maybe my filmlust is just reaching critical mass, but I'm definitely getting the twitch now.

So don't be surprised if you see me coming out of Scarecrow Video with a crazed, sweaty visage and about 70 movies piled up in my arms. And if you pretend you don't know me, I'll understand.


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