Sol searching
Another glorious summer solstice in Seattle — which means extra-extra daylight by which we may regard the clouds hanging over the city.
Rambunctious week, weather-wise. The mornings have been cold and gray, pressing me into yardwork early (so as to get my hacking and slashing in ahead of the rain). Within three swings of the scythe, though, the sun comes out of friggin' nowhere and scorches me. So I dash inside to ditch the jacket and change into shorts, and by the time I return... rain.
Note: Wrathfully hurling your shears skyward solves nothing. It only alarms the neighbors and makes the cats avoid you.
Afternoons are no better. Regardless of how fair the skies appear when Linus and I set out on our postprandial walk, it is assured that we will return either soaked or broiled.
The evenings have been consistently lovely, although yesterday Maus and I were met with what seemed to be blasts of arctic wind as we strolled to the local pub. Two pints of Stella ensured warmth — or at least numbness — for the return trip.
June in Seattle.
Right now it looks like good weather for heavy yardwork — cool and overcast, gentle breeze — but I ain't biting. No, today I shall honor daylight's apogee by staying in and watching spaghetti westerns — at least until the weather decides to get its story straight.