Saturday, January 19

Snoop jobby job

This postlessness of January has a name, and it is Jay Oh Bee. As in a real job, job-type job.

I have joined the ranks of Wetpaint, a fine young Seattle startup comprising brilliant, energetic minds, among which I feel distinctly like the squad's little Timmy Lupus. Glad to be here — just don't hit the ball to me.

Really, though: wonderful people, exciting environment, fun work, great place to job. And it's in Pioneer Square, surrounded by good restaurants, just two blocks from the ballpark, and... (and!) situated on an express bus line that runs almost literally from my couch to my desk in under 30 minutes. After 15 years of hideous life-sucking, aneurysm-inducing commutes to the East Side, this is a very big deal (ouch — I just worked out the math on that, and it seems I've actually spent one whole year of my life on the road between Seattle and Kirkland-Redmond-Bellevue-Factoria).

The one downside is that it takes every ounce of my precious mental fluids just to keep up with these people, and thus suffers the after-hours blogging. Apologies for that.

Do take a peek at some of these excellent Wetpaint wikis. (If I spend my days on sites like these, it can't be that jobby a job-type job, can it?)



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