Wednesday, March 28


Battlestar is done for the rest of the year and Rome is done forever. The latter's resolution was satisfying and right on the money, but it's really the former that bears discussion.

They've been hinting for a couple episodes now that the four radioheads were going to turn out to be the missing Cylons, though I'm still not convinced that's the case, even if they are convinced. I smell misdirection. And then there's the return of Starbuck, which isn't much of a surprise (though the obvious question is, is she the fifth Cylon?).

But the real story is that song. The Cylon sleepers have been reactivated by what seems to be a telepathic or subliminal broadcast of the Dylan/Hendrix classic “All Along The Watchtower.” Nice choice, by the way.

So what exactly does this mean? A song that we know comes from Earth has made its way into the heads of the crew of Galactica. A rebroadcast from the real Earth? A coincidence against astronomical odds? Or does the song have some cosmic meaning that transcends Earth culture?

Or, did Kara pick up an iPod during her alleged vacation on Earth, so that she could bring back evidence that the lost Thirteenth Colony was in fact very, very cool?

Another great cliffhanger from the best show on TV. The bad news is we won't get any answers for at least 9 months, maybe longer.

Of course, the real implication of all this is that Bob Dylan is actually a Cylon. That would explain an awful lot, wouldn't it?

Some other news of a decidedly less whimsical and pleasant nature (which partially explains why I haven't been posting much): Fabio, our haggis grande, our rolito polito, has been in the hospital for 5 days now, and hasn't eaten for nearly 10. He's on IV hydration and is being force-fed liquids, and though he does seem to recognize us when we visit (and purrs when we rub his belly), he's only barely conscious of his surroundings. This afternoon we're taking him over to the Eastside for an ultrasound of that magnificent belly of his. We're hoping as hard as we can that he'll bounce back, that this isn't leading up to his finale.


Blogger Unknown said...

On the pet front I understand your pain. We have a pup who is in need of some serious sedatives so that his bum hip has a chance to heal. Sorry I can't give any insight on the B-star galactica. Smallville is a different matter though!

April 06, 2007 7:54 PM  

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