Thursday, November 16

Damn we're good

I'm geeking out again.

Tuned in to Smallville tonight, hoping to catch a little more Green Arrow (and wondering if he'd put away that ridiculous little Batman-style crossbow gadget and finally wield the longbow he's supposed to swear by) — but it seems Oliver's left Metropolis for Star City. Where he belongs.

Instead, we were treated to Clark visiting our own fair city. (Ever notice how Seattle's guest-city appearances are always filmed down at the waterfront or from the deck of a ferry? Why is it film crews seem unable to penetrate that rock-solid bulwark that is the Alaskan Way viaduct?) Anyway. Clark's battling some Phantom Zone escapee with a Predator-like M.O., and then he's saved at the last minute by a mysterious stranger appearing only in silhouette. Bald guy. With glowing eyes. Who can fly.

I want to know who this is. A phantom? Yet another Kryptonian? Brainiac back from the dead? I say as much to Maus. “Who was that? I want to know who that was!”

And Maus says, “I want to know about the Oreo.”

Hold the phone. Oreo? What Oreo?

“What Oreo?!”

We wind it back. (Tivo, don't you never ever walk out on me.)

She's right. That there is an Oreo on the ground. And that's when my geek-drive starts spinning up.

Oreo... Oreo... Great Caesar's ghost! It's the Martian Manhunter! Shapeshifter, mind-reader, loather of fire, and hopeless Oreo addict.

I don't read spoiler sites or fan forums or anything like that, so I had no idea J'onn J'onzz was on deck for Smallville. And maybe I'm the last person to know about this (I'm sure the guys at the comic shop would roll their eyes — no doubt they were clued in on this surprise appearance months ago), but for about 2 minutes I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself for piecing together this mystery man's identity, based on nothing more than a half-crushed sandwich cookie.

Which Maus identified. Without the Oreo, you see, there is no case for me to crack. Because Maus and I, we're just like Laura Holt and Remington Steele. She does the work, I take the bows.

I need to get Maus a Laura Holt hat, I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was J'onn -- but I've been out of the DC loop for so long that I had forgotten the Oreo connection. Seeing the Oreos was undoubtedly a clue for us nerds, but I could only guess at the bald man's red eyes that it might be J'onn...

November 17, 2006 3:56 PM  
Blogger Matt B. said...

One thing that struck me as a little off, after the fact: I don't think J'onn went around dropping Oreos everywhere. As precious as they are to him, I'm fairly certain he'd treat them with more care. Not sure he ever packed them into battle, either.

November 17, 2006 5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG...I had no idea who it was. I did the same thing you did with the, "Who is that?" But, unlike you, I don't have TiVo. = ( But now I don't have to worry about it.

PS - Green Arrow = YumO!

December 06, 2006 12:45 PM  

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