Monday, January 23

Well played, Hawks

Iraq has weapons of mass destruction. George W. Bush is a compassionate conservative and a uniter. The Seattle Seahawks are in the Super Bowl. Intelligent Design is a scientifically sound alternative to the theory of evolution.

Only one of these dubious statements is demonstrably true. Tell me, can you guess which one?

Sad to say, I tuned out pro football a long time ago, so the Hawks' triumphant season* is not much of an emotional milestone for me. Mostly I'm happy for the city and all the long-suffering fans — I get a big kick out of watching the celebrations and hearing the chorus of car horns bugling the news of victory (it reminds me very much of 1995). Glad that new stadium is working out for them.

One thing that would make this experience more meaningful for me: the Hawks should break out their old uniforms for the big game — the white ones with the silver helmets and the blue-green logo:

Because I tell ya, this navy-clad bunch just doesn't feel like the same team I loved as a kid.**

* Not to be a total grinch about it, but I also have a hard time feeling truly impressed by ANY outcome of a season that is only 16 games long. The NBA and NHL have 82-game seasons; MLB teams play 162 contests every year. Somehow 16 games doesn't strike me as a statistically valid sample.

** No, the Mariners need not revert to their powder-blue uniforms of the same era. I've made THAT adjustment, no problem.


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