Still here
These days it's all work, Wyatt, wikis, and, I'll be honest, Guitar Hero III. What can I say? Rock 'n' roll stole my soul.
I just popped in real quick to raise a glass to three items of note and honor:
- Roy Scheider. A real loss. A fantastic and underrated/underused actor. The king of lowkey delivery. Seriously, watch Jaws again, and pay attention to how Scheider underplays every line, every look — which is all the more remarkable when you realize just how over-the-top his costars go (the shark ain't the only one chewing scenery... Dreyfuss, Shaw, I'm looking at you). But even that must have been child's play compared to playing straight man to Gene Hackman The French Connection.
- Geek Parenting. Here now is a blog! Dress your kids up like superheroes, get them s
tarted early on video games, grow them into geeks just like you. I'm in! The author even has a 1-year-old daughter named Lois Lane. I wonder if arranged marriages are still legal?
- Guess what tomorrow is? Any guesses? Anyone? Tim, I know you know. That's right, it's the official light at the end of the tunnel: Pitchers and Catchers.